Thursday, May 29, 2008

Creative Cartoon

Cartoons !
We see cartoon many times in a day.but we have not yet thought that how it happens.
It needs a lot of creativity.Creativity in the sense of humor.They(Cartoon channels) always come up with some dramas that can make us laugh.It is not so easy to make somebody laugh all the times.
It needs a lot of creativity.
You have to have ideas that make people laugh.Always new ideas.Is it so simple ?
Absolutely not.When we see the drama it seems very easy to all of us but playing with different different concepts is not an easy task altogether.Your idea of making people laugh should be as powerful as it is always.Sometime if your mode is off even then it should happen as it happens all the time.You can not ask for an excuses.That your mode was not good so you postponed the task. I have been watching these cartoon videos/stories since my child hood but i have not seen repetition of ideas/concepts.Always new n always new.This industry needs a lot of efforts boss !

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